Okay, so with chemo treatment number four underway, one of the things that really helps me is to think of things I'll be able to do down the line that I would really like to do. It's more than just day dreaming. It's remembering that 1) the chemo will come to an end; and 2) when it's over, my quality of life should be significantly improved from when all this began last year or even 16 years ago when I was originally diagnosed. Now, let's have a little participation for this one. You see, some of the things that I'd like to do are very simple - take the family camping, go to an amusement park without mapping out every bathroom, go on a hike, etc. Although I really look forward to those things, this list is going a bit grander. Here are five things I'd like to do in the next 50 years. After you read mine, make a comment and add some that you'd like to do. The rules are simple. They have to be relatively feasible. If you say you want to walk on Mars, give your rationale as to how that will be a possibility. Have you joined the space program? Are you now a multi-billionaire and are
building your own space shuttle with Lance Bass? So, here are some of mine and I look forward to hearing yours!
1) Take my family to the Home Run Derby. At some point, the All-Star game will come back to Southern California or Arizona. How fun would it be to sit in the
outfield bleachers at some ball park and watch the homers fly?! I know I would love that!
2) Buy a house with a pool. I used to think this was just a waste of money - and in Kansas it would be. But here in
Las Vegas, I'm starting to think the benefits outweigh the costs of having to maintain it. The kids would love it and there are some days when that is really all you can do! When it hits 120 degrees, an hour in the pool would be just right!
3) Read the biographies of all the prophets of the Church and the presidents of the United States. I did some research on this recently and it is much easier to find biographies on past presidents than on past prophets. There are some out there, but almost all are written while the prophet is still alive. I want the complete picture of their life, not just
their life up to their call as prophet. Jimmy Carter is proof that much can happen as time goes on.
4) Take my family to Hawaii. Leah would like to do Christmas in Hawaii one year. How fun would that be! Of course, it will have to be when the kids are a bit older and aren't completely focused on the toys they receive, because, let's face it. If we go to Hawaii, that's the gift from us, if you know what I mean!
5) Take Leah to New York City. I loved New York when I lived there for six weeks in 1998. It was so fun - and that's when I was still sick. Think about how much more fun we could have today?! There is so much to do and see and I think Leah would love it.
Okay, so there's five of mine. I'm not saying that's the exhaustive list and, like I said before, this isn't a list of what you'd do if you won $1 Billion (David Glass would be getting a call from me, let me tell you!). Let's hear what you've got?!