Okay, so I've taken some abuse over the past few months for my failure to get back on the blogging train. Well, consider this comeback number three - with some modifications.
First of all, I'm letting go of the "columnist" style writting. I need to accept the fact that I'm not going to be the next Sports Guy. Now, that doesn't mean that I'm not going to write about sports. I will because, frankly, I love sports! However, I am going to open up my writings to other topics as well - family, politics, religion, movies, books, you name it! Hopefully, that is good news to all of you.
Second, I'm not sending out notices when I post. Time to start checking back, just like everyone else. I always felt kind of stupid sending those out, so this is really just a change to make me feel better about me.
Finally, I'm going to try and post something a couple of times a week. Some will be long, some will be short, all will be Pulitzer worthy! (Okay, that's a little bold.)
So, I hope you enjoy - Now, for my first trick. . .
Several days ago, I was "tagged" by my brother, Joel, who is an awesome guy. Tagging is like those email surveys that go around, but cooler because it's called "tagging". It makes me feel hip and in the know. Here we go:
A. The rules are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player tags 5 people, posts their names, and goes to their blogs letting them know they've been tagged. (I may break this rule. I don't know if I know of five blogs that haven't already been tagged. I'll do my best.)
5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago
1. January 98 - Trying to get Leah to like me and impress her with my superior wit, charm and cooking ability. (Turns out she really doesn't like pasta.)
2. Producing KBYU news three days a week.
3. Teaching Assistant for the beginning television class. Good times, seeing people get in front of a "live" camera for the first time and try to sound coherent.
4. Living with Dave (one of my best friends for mission/college), Steve (a great guy that predicted after our first date that Leah and I would get married), Jason (interesting) and two guys that were only up at night, it seemed. One of them worked at the movie theater and could get us in for free, so that was cool.
5. Trying to win the "World News Tonight with Peter Jennings" internship.
5 Things on My To-Do List Today
1. Conference Call with account manager trying to give away about $200K worth of equipment and maintenance. Not a good idea.
2. Finalize all E-Rate pricing.
3. Call Brother Furnell
4. Start calling Sacrament Meeting speakers for February.
5. Take down the swing set (weather permiting).
5 Snacks I Enjoy
1. Ice cream (upsets my stomach)
2. Cereal and Milk (upsets my stomcah)
3. Chocolate (upsets my stomach)
4. Cheetos (jury is still out)
5. Pizza (Papa Murphy's, please)
5 Things I'd Do If I Were a Billionaire
1. Buy a beautiful house in San Diego with all the things Leah and I have always wanted in a home.
2. Pay off all debt for me and Leah, all our siblings and our parents.
3. Put enough money away for Kate, Emma and Ryne that they never have to worry.
4. Travel in my own private jet - no more waiting in airport terminals.
5. Alternate between Leah's family and my family hosting Christmas in various fabulous locations (Hawaii, New York City, London, Paris, etc.)
3 Bad Habits
1. I'm a bit OCD when it comes to scheduling things and sticking to the schedule. When I go out, I like to map out my route (in my head, not on mapquest) and, as Leah can attest, I get a bit bothered when we change up on the fly.
2. I'm a teaser. My kids definately get it from me.
3. I just love too much! Okay, just kidding. I am, in my heart, extremely lazy. Given the opportunity, I would spend my Saturday sitting on the couch watching sports. Leah and kids make me get up and moving and I'm a better person for it, but I secretly still want to be sitting back and cheering the Jayhawks!
5 Jobs I've Had
1. Paper Boy
2. Carpet Cleaner
3. Waiter in a theater in a barn in the wilderness of Northeastern Kansas.
4. TV News Producer
5. Tariff Analyst
5 Things People Probably Don't Know About Me
1. I've lost about 35 pounds in the last six months.
2. I believe my actions effect the outcome of specific sporting events involving the Kansas Jayhawks, the Kansas City Chiefs and the Kansas City Royals. If I find a spot on the couch and my team is winning, I don't move. If I do move and they lose, I blame myself.
3. I have a man-crush on Danny Manning. Every time I see him on TV, I get excited.
4. Thanks to Joel and Amelia, I loved the show "Veronica Mars" and was really upset when it got cancelled last year.
5. I love 80s power ballads - Def Leppard, Whitesnake, REO Speedwagon. They are awesome.
Okay, so there you go! I'm tagging Sarah, Christy and Andy. Everyone else's blog has already done this!
Books of 2018.
6 years ago
waiter in a theater in a barn? what job was this?
Nice job on the weight loss. Also, Veronica Mars was awesome. Not so much most of the last season, but it totally would have gotten better.
Apple Valley Playhouse. It's in an old renovated barn.
I agree on Veronica Mars. The worst part is, the ending of season three leaves so much open because they cancelled it so late. We need a movie!
Way to go on the losing weight. What are you doing to lose it?
Getting off prednisone was the bigget factor. I also have been trying to decrease my portions and not go back for seconds. Also, I'm stressed out of my mind!
Also, I bet it helps that ice cream and chocolate upset your stomach.
Looking forward to the "new direction" you're taking.
I'm confused by the concept of being tagged. In unrelated news, The Daily Shiv recently named the paper boy from "Paperboy 2" as the gayest of all video game characters. Pretty big accomplishment considering what a raging homo Q-Bert is.
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