713 and holding. That’s the number of home runs Barry Bonds has hit in his career. Now, don’t get me wrong, that’s a lot of home runs. That’s the third most of any player in the history of Major League Baseball. It’s more than Mickey Mantle, more than Willie Mays, more than Mark McGuire. But for Barry Bonds, it’s not going to be enough. Neither is 714 or 715. Neither is 755 or 756 or 800, for that matter. For most people, Barry’s athletic accomplishments are going to be discounted severely. They are going to be asterisked, they are going to be rationalized, they are going to be tainted by a single, one-word accusation – STEROIDS. Frankly, I don’t have a problem with that.
Here’s what I do have a problem with. As ESPN brings us every Barry Bonds at bat until he passes Babe Ruth’s mark of 714 – not the record, by the way. Ruth is number two behind Hank Aaron’s 755 career home runs. However, as we are inundated with seeing Barry stand there every 45 minutes in his full-body armor and either walk or pop weakly to short, there is one question that everyone seems to be ignoring – at least in San Francisco, California and Bristol Connecticut. It’s the proverbial pink elephant that no one seems to want to discuss. Certainly, I can understand the hesitancy in San Francisco. The answer could cast a cloud over all the things that franchise has accomplished in the last seven years – most notably their trip to the World Series a few years ago. But I’m shocked by the Worldwide Leader’s willingness to be a pawn for Barry Bonds by continuing to hype the Ruth mark. They are the current journalistic voice of American sports, no matter what Sports Illustrated or Fox Sports of CBS Sportsline wants you to think. And, yet, ESPN, Baseball Tonight and all the rest are looking the other way why this giant, pink elephant looms in the corner.
I mean, put yourself in Barry’s situation. Let’s say you are a world class mechanic. For the first 30 years of your career, you are known for your ability to do just about anything well when it comes to fixing cars. You can tune the engine, fix the brakes, rotate the tires, replace the filters and even change the oil frequently enough that people say you might be one of the best ever. Certainly good enough to be mentioned with Wal-Mart auto and NTB and Tires & More. You are truly a five-tool mechanic.
Then, all of a sudden, as you should be putting the finishing touches on a career filled with mechanical glory, you see all of the publicity going to these younger guys that can’t do everything you can do, but can change the oil faster than anybody in history. They are re-writing the record books with their oil-changing ability. And you get a bit jealous. So, you decide to change your game. You realize that, based on your career, if you really focused on oil changes, you could challenge the career record holders in the next ten years and knock some of these snot-nosed punks off their pedestal. You could someday surpass the immortals – maybe even exceed Jiffy Lube – a mark most people thought was unreachable. So you do it. You make the changes and they are all natural.
But now, people are getting suspicious. “Why is he suddenly so good at oil changes?” They’re asking. “He barely does any of the other things he used to do. If all I need is my brakes fixed, he still just goes for the oil change. And why does he look so different? His coveralls have ballooned to twice their normal size. He’s just an oil change machine, now. Plus, he’s really surly!” Well, you know the answers. You’ve honed your body to be ideal for oil changes. You’ve changed your tools and perfected your routine. And you’re grumpy because it’s hard focusing on one thing all the time and the rumors are really starting to get to you. “It’s not right for him to be like this. The all-time greats didn’t have these kinds of technologies. I hear he’s using synthetic oil!” Soon, the government is looking into you and the guy who made your ratchet set is sent to jail. People assume you are a cheater because you know these guys. But you know better. “It’s all real,” you say. “I simply started focusing on strengthening my body to change oil!”
Then, the unthinkable happens at the worst possible time. Just as you are about to surpass Firestone to move into second all-time, those jerks at Popular Mechanics write a book. They say it is well researched, but it is based on the testimony – illegally obtained – of the guys that went to jail for their own illegal-ratchet activities. They just want to bring you down, too. They just want to keep their names in the yellow pages. So they accuse you of the using black-market ratchets to gain an advantage, even though it may be damaging your other equipment. They find an old girlfriend and she is more than happy to tell people what a mean guy you are. It’s all coming down around you. You go to change the oil in San Diego and someone throws a bottle of Castro Synthetic into the grease pit.
So, what do you do? Do you really just sit back and take it? If you know the book is a lie, don’t you sue the authors for liable and defamation of character? Don’t you let them have it with both guns, turning over sales receipts and journals to show that you didn’t cheat? Do you really go into Milwaukee and struggle to change the oil while someone stands behind the yellow chain holding a sign that says, “Jiffy Lube’s record will stand forever!” Or do you go to Popular Mechanics to tell your side. And answer every question asked and make yourself available to any other mechanics rag to make sure they know you are clean. Do you really try and put on a “reality” show on the Speed Channel - the only media outlet that seems to ignore the rumors - that only makes you look like a self-absorbed baby? Or do you challenge all comers by putting your history – medical, professional, emotional – out there for all to see. At the bare minimum, don’t you fight? Don’t you hold the press conference and deny all the charges? Don’t you address the issue head on instead of accusing the press of hating you and trying to hurt your family, then making them sign a waiver to appear on your reality show?
See, to me, this is the problem. Where’s the indignation? Where’s the righteous anger? Where’s the public challenge for proof? And that leads me to that Giant elephant standing in the corner. If Barry really didn’t use steroids, why isn’t he declaring his innocence? Why didn’t he go after the Game of Shadows authors? Why isn’t he screaming from the rooftops, “I didn’t do steroids. I’m clean! Here are my medical records. They prove it. I will take a test weekly. I’ll allow MLB to release any of my samples from the last five years (assuming there are any). Take me for who I am. I deserve to be mentioned with Ruth and I’m going to challenge Aaron!” Instead, we get this ridiculous charade of a reality series and the obnoxious nightly Bonds Tracker.
So, let’s look at this from the other point of view. Assume that Barry Bonds took steroids between 1998 and 2004. There’s no MLB steroid policy, so getting caught isn’t a big concern. Besides, Bonds has the money to buy designer steroids that can beat the tests. So, he’s on the juice. Maybe I’m too quick to denigrate the villain Barry Bonds, but this just seems intuitive. Just looking at him, you can tell something is wrong. He’s different now than he was in the mid 90s. He’s got all the characteristics of the typical steroid abuser. He’s never tried to refute the claims in Game of Shadows. In fact, Bonds and his legal team only did one thing. They filed an injunction to try and have the publication of the book held up by saying the information used by the authors was obtained illegally. The judge that heard the case told the Bonds legal team that they were welcome to proceed, but that he felt the case had no chance. The suit was dropped and the Bonds camp has remained mute. Isn’t this somewhat of an admission by omission?
Now look at the 2004 and 2005 seasons and assume that Bonds had to stop taking steroids. If the government is really interested in catching Bonds in a lie based on his grand jury testimony in the BALCO case, then he probably knows that he can’t get the steroids right now. He’s being watched. So, he comes off the roids. 2005 is a wash because he is hurt. His body can’t recover like it could when he was getting help. 2006 starts and he’s cold from the beginning. He starts to warm up, but he’s still way off the pace he had in 2001-2003. He’s not the home run machine he used to be. He only has the freakish physique. Isn’t it rationale that the reason for the sudden increase – steroids helping his body – is the opposite for the sudden injury and decline – no more steroids? I know I’m not a medical expert, but I do believe the simplest explanation is usually the right explanation – and that seems as simple as it comes.
And, so, each night we endure the Bonds report. He went 0-2 with two walks in a Giant loss. We get updates on which games he might or might not be in for the next series – usually two of the three games in any series unless it’s going to be cold or wet or Wednesday. The inevitable is certainly near. He’s going to catch and pass Ruth. No pitcher wants to give up home runs, but having your name tied to Barry Bonds right now is a new level of shame. Frankly, I’ve never seen such excitement over someone going for number two since we were potty training our twins. We need to remember that Ruth, as great as his career was, does not hold the record. And that, if his health continues to decline, Bonds will never approach Aaron. Certainly that’s what Major League Baseball is hoping for. Only San Francisco and ESPN will celebrate the Ruth homers. The rest of us will have to wait and see. In five years, will Bonds be the new career home run record holder or will he be in year two of a seven year suspended sentence for lying to the grand jury? I’m sure Barry is hoping for the former, but I’m guessing he knows the latter is a possibility. But, for now, we just count. 713. . .713. . .713.
The race for 63! The Royals got all of our hopes up early this week by coming home and sweeping the Cleveland Indians. For some reason, they really have the Indians number right now with a 5-1 record against them. But they are now 5-24 against the rest of their schedule after getting swept by the Orioles in Baltimore. The same old Royals showed up on Sunday night. Carrying a 7-4 lead into the bottom of the ninth, Burgos walked the bases loaded. Baltimore scored four in the ninth to steal the win. The beat goes on for KC – but they do get to go to Cleveland next! Current record: 10-25. Projected record: 47-115.
Books of 2018.
6 years ago
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