Oh, team of Red and Gold
Your awfulness at times astounds me.
A single victory stands on your record
Like a gorgeous rose amidst
A sea of thorns.
Yet that victory was not so much gorgeous.
Perhaps aberration.
Dear Carl, why do you
Torment me with your insolence?
Whey did we keep you
And lose Marty?
You are like a bad sandwich
That keeps repeating on me.
Only you are worse.
Herman, Herman, Herman
Please answer a simple question
With a simple answer.
You are friends with Clark
So will probably be back
For 2009.
Please be better.
Defense, where art thou
In the 4th Quarter?
Are you too tired to
Play an entire game?
You are so rich and yet
So pitiful.
The Jets just scored again.
Tyler Thigpen is the Quarterback?
I thought he was the dirty kid
In Peanuts.
Next year you can tutor
Tebow of the Gators
Or Stafford of the Dawgs.
I can dream.
Perhaps we are but paying
For the multiple transgressions
Of Derrick Thomas
Or the multiple felonies
Of Bam Morris
Or the constant arrests
Of Larry Johnson.
No matter what
I wear my Red and Gold with pride
Amid cackles from
Patriots and Broncos and even Browns.
I'd like to DVR your games
But no one will show them here.
Maybe in 2011.
Books of 2018.
6 years ago